This dataset is a subset of the 2012 Mexico Elections Panel Study and
contains a list experiment question. It reads as follows: I am going
to read you a list of four activities that appear on this card and I want
you to tell me how many of these activities you have done in recent weeks.
Please don''t tell me which ones, just HOW MANY. The four activities are...
(SHOW CARD AND READ) a. See television news that mentions a candidate b.
Attend a campaign event c. Exchange your vote for a gift, favor, or access
to a service d. Talk about politics with other people
A data frame containing the following variables for 1004 observations.
y | numeric | the number of items that make respondents angry | 0 - 4 |
mex.t | numeric | treatment status | 0-1 |
mex.male | numeric | whether or not a respondent is male | 0-1 |
mex.age | numeric | age of a respondent | |
numeric | respondent's level of education | 0-9 | mex.y.all |
numeric | the number of activities that respondent did | 0 - 4 | |
numeric | respondent's self-reported turnout | 0-1 | mex.age2 |
numeric | age of a respondent, squared | mex.interest | numeric |
how interested respondent is in politics | 1-4 | mex.married | numeric |
indicator for whether respondent is married | 0-1 | mex.pidpanw2 | numeric |
indicator for whether respondent identifies with PAN party | 0-1 | mex.pidprdw2 | numeric |
indicator for whether respondent identifies with PRD party | 0-1 | mex.pidpriw2 | numeric |
indicator for whether respondent identifies with PRI party | 0-1 | mex.votecard | numeric |
respondent's enumerator-verified turnout | 0-1 | mex.urban | numeric |
indicator for whether respondent lives in urban area | 0-1 | mex.cleanelections | numeric |
indicator for whether respondent thinks elections were clean | 0-1 | mex.cleanelectionsmiss | numeric |
indicator for whether cleanelections variable was missing | 0-1 | mex.metro | numeric |
indicator for whether respondent lives in Mexico City metro area | 0-1 | mex.centralregion | numeric |
indicator for whether respondent lives in Mexico's central region | 0-1 | mex.northregion | numeric |
indicator for whether respondent lives in Mexico's north region | 0-1 | mex.wealth | numeric |
scale for respondent's wealth, based on household asset indicators | mex.epnapprove | numeric | respondent's approval rating of Enrique Pena-Nieto |
1-11 | mex.havepropoganda | numeric | indicator for whether respondent has propaganda outside their home |
0-1 | mex.concurrent | numeric | indicator for whether respondent lives in state with concurrent elections |
0-1 | mex.loyal | numeric | indicator for whether respondent strongly identifies with the PAN, PRI, or PRD party |
0-1 | y | numeric | the number of items that make respondents angry |
The full data set is available at the Mexico Panel Study website (
where item c. is presented only to the treatment group, and the control list only contains the other three items.